Competitive Team Opportunities

Pre-Company (ages 5-8) This competitive program is designed as a stepping stone into our Company or Performance Team. It offers an age-appropriate time commitment, and is a great fit for younger dancers who show exceptional focus and work ethic in their regular classes.

Performance Team (ages 9-18) This competition team is for the dancer looking for top instruction with LPA Company teachers, but who would like less of a time commitment than Full Company requires. This part-time competitive program is ideal for the newcomer to competition dance, but also full-time dancers looking for a step back from the demands of a full-time program. Dancers will be placed within the PT program based on age and ability level.

Full Company (ages 9-18) This competitive Company is for the dancer who aspires to achieve the highest level of dance and who may be considering dancing in college or pursuing a professional dance career. Dancers on Full Company train and compete at an advanced level and are expected to be dedicated and self-motivated. This company is for the serious dancer who is willing to make dance at Legacy Performing Arts Company their top extra-curricular priority.

B-boy Team (all ages) B-Boy Team is a hip-hop based dance team for boys who enjoy breaking and want to take their skills to the next level. These dancers will have the opportunity to showcase their skills at regional competitions, battles, and community events.